Colors of 2018

Colors of 2018

The New Year is finally with us and dancers are lining up to perform in many venues all around the world for unique events.  This means that the designers of dance costumes have been busy creating new trends. Although nailing down the color of the year is not...
The Right Branding

The Right Branding

Branding Yourself Right LimeLight Expressions is your Creative Design Firm. We help both small and large businesses with their branding from identify packages (logos, flyers, brochures, ads and website) to event planning. How do we help businesses? It is simple! Some...
A Twist on St. Patty’s Day Events

A Twist on St. Patty’s Day Events

Month: March 2017 Our friends at the Prevention Coalition wanted us to get the word out about other fun options for St. Patrick’s Day. No matter your choice, please be safe and make wonderful memories! Enjoying St. Patrick’s Day in Different Ways Contrary to...